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The Celther Polska plant enables the production of cosmetics and medical devices in the form of a liquid, gel, ointment, cream and syrup – both with low and high density and viscosity. Celther Polska also offers packaging services into bottles, weldable tubes or jars of any chosen material. Services are provided on automatic, semi-automatic or manual devices – depending on the specificity of the product and customer expectations. The efficiency of packaging depends on the complexity of the product. The average production effort is about 24,000 pieces per day in the case of packaging into tubes.
Celther Polska also offers comprehensive services for the implementation of capital projects and the production of new product lines for regular and new customers.
Laboratory of Cell Biology and Imaging
Celther Polska has laboratories for cell biology and imaging, where, among others, research using induced pluripotent stem cells or tumor lines. The laboratories are equipped with modern devices enabling the monitoring of biological processes in living cells, such as viability, adhesiveness, growth and proliferation, invasiveness, migration, etc. (Olympus CKX41 microscope, OLYMPUS CORPORATION; JuLITM , Smart fluorescent cell analyzer, NanoEnTek, Inc.), as well as standard infrastructure for cellular analyzes, including immunocytochemical analyzes (Nikon Eclipse Ci-S fluorescence microscope, Nikon Corporation).
Laboratory of Molecular Research
The Molecular Biology Laboratory is equipped with devices that enable the assessment of changes at the level of DNA, RNA and proteins. Starting with the current standard sequence analysis with a capillary sequencer (Applied Biosystems® 3130 Genetic Analyzer), allowing the evaluation of up to almost 200 unique DNA sequences per day. Through a high-end Real-time PCR product gain measurement device, ending with a massive parallel sequencing device (Ion PGM TM System, Ion Torrent® ), which allows you to find out the location in the genome of hundreds of thousands of base pairs in one analysis. In addition, the laboratory is equipped with a large number of additional devices necessary for molecular analysis: PCR cyclers, electrophoresis devices, spectrophotometers, a system for fluorescence and chemiluminescence imaging (Molecular Imager® Gel Doc XR and ChemiDoc XRS Systems, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.), w-80 freezing systemsᵒ C (New BrunswickTM Innova® ), and in liquid nitrogen and many more.
Bioinformatics Laboratory
Our bioinformatics scientists use well-known computer modeling techniques to search for new organic compounds capable of blocking a specific type of protein. Two approaches are used in in silico research: virtual searches of large collections of chemical compounds and targeted searches of ligand libraries with a pharmacophore built on the basis of the protein binding site. The most promising chemicals found are then docked to the protein binding site by induced alignment.